Monday, August 6, 2012

Parenting Infants: Birth to age 2

Parenting Infants: Birth to age 2
v  Growing
§  Unparalleled growth
§  Double in weight within the first 6 months
§  Triple in weight within the first year
v  Sleeping
§  Ranges from 10-22 hours per day with 18 being the average
§  Every child is different
·         Some you can set your clock by when they take their naps
·         Others it varies day in and day out
§  Hot Topic: Where will baby sleep?
·         In a basinet?
o   Next to parent’s bed?
o   In a separate room?
·         In bed with mom and dad?
v  Eating
§  Round the clock feedings about every 2 - 4 hours
§  Hot topic: How will baby eat?
·         Breast feeding?
·         Bottle feeding?
·         Combination of the two?
v  Crying
§  Average 1-3 hours per day **what time they don’t spend sleeping they spend crying**
§  3 ways to stop crying
·         Swaddling
·         Rhythmic motion or sounds
·         Standing while holding
Toddler Milestones
v  Intellectual Development
§  9 months: Object permanence
§  18 months: words and symbols to talk about
§  Parents: teach basic values and encourage children to explore their world
v  Language Development
§  10 months: attach words to objects
§  10-18 months: words become phrases
§  18 months: 50 words
§  18-24 months: phrases become sentences
§  24 months: 300 words
§  Parents: Talk to your child about anything and everything
v  Emotional Development
§  12 months: basic emotions
§  18 months: feelings of self-consciousness—shame, embarrassment, guilt, pride
§  24 months: ability to talk about feelings, self-regulate, and show empathy
§  Parents: Be responsive & supportive. Be in control of your own emotions.


  1. I don't know what the research says on the topic, but i just feel that talking to your children is so important. Even when they are babies and do not necessarily know what you are saying. I think it will help them develop stronger language skills. Thanks for the overview

  2. "I think your instructions for parents in the toddler milestones section are great. I especially need to work on talking to my child about anything and everything, but they are all good."

    -Jennifer (Melissa's sister)

  3. Dates
    -All times are approximate
    -Your mileage may vary
    *I suspect a large number of children develop at times outside of the ages given
    -18 hours a day? I wish
    -Our oldest used to get his 3 hours of crying at bedtime. "I'm so tired I'm really unhappy, but I don't want to go to sleep because I might miss something!"

    --Russell (Melissa's Brother in-law)

  4. I really appreciate your outline style writing. It's refreshing and makes it easier to follow the important info. I want to hear your take on some of these milestones and generalizations- do you agree/ disagree/ find them usually on the spot??

    Liz Pusey

  5. This is a well written article. It was simple and easy to understand. Every child is different, but these are some basics that all parents must know.
    Young In Kim
